Our Courses

Supporting People With Mental Illness

This course is intended to provide skills and knowledge to care workers, support workers and other healthcare professionals on what challenging behaviour is, and training course will educate how to implement a range of strategies that can be put in place to prevent and respond to incidents. Challenging behaviour is an incident or action that can have the potential to physically or psychologically harm another person or self, or property. Challenging behaviour has the potential to, or does, interrupt, stop or limit the ability for a health service or care to be provided in a way that is safe for both consumer and staff, and results in a person feeling unsafe or threatened. The main types of challenging behaviour in health care are: verbal abuse or disruption, self-harm that is threatened, intentional or unintentional, absconding or attempting to leave where there is risk to the person in doing so, resisting provision of lawful treatment, actual or threat of physical violence, damage to property, disregarding care, and intrusive behaviour.

Participants will have an opportunity to practice their skills during the training session, and will be encouraged to ask questions. A certificate of attendance is issued to all participants upon successful completion of the training.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the types, causes, triggers and contributing factors of challenging behaviour
  • Understand challenging behaviour from the perspective of both a client and a staff member
  • Identify the stages of challenging behaviour
  • Identify the strategies that can be applied to prevent, de-escalate and reduce harm
  • Outline, understand and apply principles of effective and good communication
  • Identify actions that will optimise recovery for both the client and staff member after an incident
  • Understand the importance of working within the law and following organisational policies and procedures.

Supporting People With Mental Illness & Challenging Behaviour

Upcoming Dates

FACE TO FACE No dates available yet
ONLINE + FACE TO FACE ASSESSMENT No dates available yet
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