Our Courses

Assisting Individuals With PEG Feeding

This training course will equip care workers, support workers and other healthcare workers to understand basic anatomy of digestive system, PEG (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy) is a complex procedure in which a feeding tube is placed through the abdominal wall and into the stomach. A PEG is the means by which the essential elements that provide the energy required by our bodies to function, can be absorbed. It allows nutrition, fluids or medications to be put directly into the stomach and bypassing the mouth and esophagus. The training session will develop confidence, knowledge and skills required to care and assist when supporting people who require meal assistance via Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy.

Participants will have an opportunity to practice their skills under direct supervision and will have access to a range of PEG feeding equipment during the training session, and will be encouraged to ask questions. A certificate of attendance is issued to all participants upon successful completion, and demonstrating the procedure administering medication and formula through a gastrostomy tube.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course participants will be able to:

  • Explain what a PEG is.
  • Why a PEG tube may be inserted
  • How is the PEG performed?
  • How to maintain personal hygiene and prevent infection?
  • What are the PEG components, function, maintenance and cleaning procedures?
  • What are benefits of a PEG for a person who required feeding?
  • Methods of administering nutrition and hydration via PEG tube
  • How to care for the PEG tube and stoma care?
  • How enteral nutrition and medication can be given and correct positioning for airway safety?
  • What are complications from PEG?
  • How long do these tubes last?
  • How to Identify and manage common problems occurred

Assisting Individuals With PEG Feeding Training

Upcoming Dates

FACE TO FACE No dates available yet
ONLINE + FACE TO FACE ASSESSMENT No dates available yet
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