Our Courses

Assist With Medication Training

The training will develop and extend care worker and disability support workers’ knowledge, skills and best practices in how to organise, prepare and assist clients with medication safely from a dose administration aid/blister pack/Webster pack, and prevent errors or incidents. Participants are encouraged to inform the trainer of any special needs or barriers to learning prior to commencement of the training such as language, literacy and numeracy so that training can be customised according to needs.

For effective learning and interaction to achieve outcomes, the course will incorporate:

  • role play activities
  • case studies
  • questions and answers
  • class group discussions
  • YouTube videos
  • individual practical assessment and summative assessment at the end of the session
  • correctly completing an incident report

What participants will learn

  • Medication, medication terminology, and commonly used medications
  • Different types of medication, schedules of medications and various routes
  • High risk medications and issues relating to polypharmacy
  • Checking a care plan for confirming details
  • Correctly checking medication orders/prescriptions, taking consent, and client identification
  • Correctly checking all the medication rights (Rs) such as right person, right medication etc
  • Checking expiry dates, allergies, and drug interactions
  • Monitoring for any side effects, reactions and adverse effects
  • Maintaining hygiene processes in preventing infection
  • Conducting pre and post administration client checks
  • Disposal, storage and handling of medications safely and securely
  • Complying with organisation policies, procedures, current legislation and regulations
  • The value and importance of communication and documentation including completing and reporting medications incidents to maintain client safety and information resources
  • Scope of practice, role and responsibilities.

The Assist with Medication Training course is delivered by a registered nurse and training certificates are valid for one year. Participants will have an opportunity to practice their skills during the training session, and will be encouraged to ask questions.

A certificate of completion is issued to all participants upon successful completion of the training.


Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand medication and its uses, including over-the-counter and prescribed medications
  • List different routes of medication administration
  • Demonstrate understanding by listing the steps in the importance of medication safety
  • Outline the different roles and responsibilities of all people involved in medication management and how errors can occur
  • Describe the importance of safe storage of medication
  • Complete a medication chart accurately after assisting with medication administration including Webster packs
  • Recognise and respond to a medication incident appropriately, and understand the importance of reflecting on medication incidents and near–miss events.
  • List the steps of correctly checking procedures when assisting with medication in the community
  • Follow correct infection prevention and control procedures
  • Feel confident in assisting with administering medications and following the correct policies and procedures of their employer
  • Contingency plans involving healthcare professionals

Assist With Medication Training

Upcoming Dates


Booking Fees: $ 125.00

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