This two-day workshop training will focus on upskilling disability support workers in high intensity speciality skills and will enhance client safety at the workplace. Community services in disability, mental health...
These training programs are tailored to meet the unique needs and compliance requirements of different industries and are available for group bookings only. Why Choose Personalised Training Courses? Personalised training...
The training will develop and extend care worker and disability support workers’ knowledge, skills and best practices in how to organise, prepare and assist clients with medication safely from a...
This training course will equip care workers, support workers and other healthcare workers to understand basic anatomy of digestive system, PEG (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy) is a complex procedure in which a...
The training session has been developed to provide confidence, knowledge and skills to care workers, support workers and other healthcare workers who provide bowel care assistance to their clients. This...
Completion of Assist with Medication Training is a prerequisite for this course. Participants from this course will gain an in-depth understanding of diabetes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, insulin,...
The training session is designed for disability support workers, aged care workers and community care workers who work with clients who have epilepsy. The session focuses on a basic understanding...
The training course is designed for disability support workers, community care workers and aged care workers. The emphasis is on safe manual handling techniques and why it is paramount in...
The course will focus on learning why mealtime management is paramount for clients with dysphagia. Dysphagia is the medical term for difficulties in swallowing food or liquids. The course will...
It might be overwhelming and challenging for the client and their support structure to receive stoma treatment due to the fact that their body image and elimination processes have changed....
The training will develop and extend the knowledge and skills of care workers and disability support workers who provide care to clients who have a urinary catheter and require support....
The training will develop and extend care and disability support workers’ knowledge, skills and best practice. Care workers will learn about skin anatomy, risk of pressure injury and wounds, types...
This training course will equip care workers, support workers and other healthcare workers to understand the basic anatomy of the respiratory tract, and how to provide care and management of...
Completion of Venepuncture training will develop the skills, knowledge and confidence of the participants to collect blood specimens safely. They will learn to select appropriate equipment used for venepuncture such...
This training course will equip care workers, support workers and other healthcare workers to understand autism, respond effectively and implement support strategies within the support work framework. Autism is a...
This course is intended to provide skills and knowledge to care workers, support workers and other healthcare professionals on what challenging behaviour is, and training course will educate how to...
Safe Environments - through their eyes has been developed by the Department of Human Services Child Safe Environments SA team to support individuals who work or volunteer with children. The...