Our Courses

Mealtime Management and Dysphagia Awareness

The course will focus on learning why mealtime management is paramount for clients with dysphagia. Dysphagia is the medical term for difficulties in swallowing food or liquids.

The course will develop confidence and understanding in providing support at mealtime, and support in the management of dysphagia. In addition, the course will improve the awareness and importance of nutritious meals of the correct textures according to individual needs and preferences. It also covers the staff role and responsibilities in implementing a client’s care plan to maintain safety and enhance comfort.

Participants will have an opportunity to practice their skills during the training session, and will be encouraged to ask questions. A certificate of attendance is issued to all participants upon successful completion of the training.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:

  • Describe the anatomy and physiology related to a swallowing disorder
  • Describe the importance of saliva production
  • Explain mealtimes and list the importance of nutritious meals
  • Explain and understand dysphagia and its related risks
  • List the steps in providing support to clients at mealtimes
  • Explain how to manage risks and maintain safety
  • Demonstrate understanding about mealtime’s challenges and handling contingencies
  • Describe the holistic care for individual with swallowing difficulties such as oral health, skin care, bowel health, nutrition and hydration.
  • Explain the importance of documentation
  • Understanding about working in scope of practice
  • Explain how to follow policies and procedures

Mealtime Management and Dysphagia Awareness

Upcoming Dates

FACE TO FACE No dates available yet
ONLINE + FACE TO FACE ASSESSMENT No dates available yet
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